Monday, November 29, 2021

Christmas Guest Post #1: Christina McDonald

"Not Dead, Nor Asleep"

My name is Christina McDonald, and I am a fellow sufferer. I share this not in an effort to gain sympathy or attention, but in hopes that maybe it will be an encouragement or a blessing to you in your own suffering. I also share this because God has been doing a mighty work in me and I want Him to receive all the glory for it. We all have suffered and will continue to do so throughout our lives. That’s part of living in a broken world. For me, the suffering I have endured for the majority of my life has been mental illness.

My mental health journey began right after my eleventh birthday. After experiencing a series of stressful situations all at once and not knowing how to handle them as a child, I began to develop very severe OCD. At the time, neither I nor my family knew what it was. I became a slave to strange “thoughts” in my head, thoughts that threatened harm would come to me or my family if I didn’t do whatever it said to do. At that same time, I also developed a detachment disorder called depersonalization/derealization disorder. Not many people have heard of it, but it’s basically where one feels completely removed from reality. You feel like you are looking at the world in front of you through a glass wall, being a spectator in life but certainly not a participant. It’s a disorder that makes you wonder if you are actually real. If anything is real. And it is terrifying…especially for a kid to experience. Between these two disorders, I dropped out of schooling, my mom wouldn’t trust me to be home alone, and if we left the house, she would hold my hand everywhere we went due to my OCD thoughts being so crippling and keeping me from moving my feet myself. We went to a psychiatrist once, but he surprisingly had no answers. We were overwhelmed with it all, so beyond that we didn’t seek any more help.

Everyone around me was very compliant and encouraging at first, but as my condition dragged on, they grew more annoyed and frustrated with me. They had all seemed to move on in life, but I was left in the thick of my struggle. I remember feeling so alone. Not knowing what was wrong with me. Thinking I was crazy. I eventually made the decision on my own to stop obeying these thoughts, and it began to very slowly, but surely, dissipate.

Since that time, the following years of my life have consisted of both seasons of freedom from these disorders as well as seasons where I have experienced such deep, mental oppression. In the difficult times I’ve just had to “white knuckle it” through my days and wait for it to go away on its own. This process could take anywhere from a day or two to a year or two.

In more recent years, however, these difficult seasons have been getting more frequent and longer lasting. It’s been extremely difficult to find a therapist who understands my condition, not to mention the process of getting on the right medicine is also very frustrating. I will be honest and say, though, that the years of 2020-2021 have perhaps been the darkest years of my life. Never have I felt so mentally oppressed. Never have I felt so alone. Never have I felt so abandoned by God. I have felt somewhat like Job - though our sufferings are not the same, I have been to the depression that he talks about. And I have pleaded with God to heal me, to take this away from me just like Paul did with his “thorn in the flesh”.

But God has chosen not to heal me.

I have accused Him of not caring. Of leaving me to fend for myself. Of being cruel. After all, if He really loved me, He would heal me, right?? But what I sometimes forget is that if I labeled God with what I feel like is true about Him purely based on my present circumstances, I would come up with a God who changes who He is based on how I’m feeling that day. I would come up with a false God, and that’s dangerous business. I am learning that I HAVE to cling to the truth - who is God, really? Who does He say that He is in His Word? THIS is what is true. NOT what I feel at times. So, by God’s grace I ask along with Job in Job 2:10, “Shall I only receive good from God, and not evil?”. Who am I to question God?

Can God heal or take away? Absolutely, for nothing is too hard for Him! But when He doesn’t, it is time to stop accusing Him of injustice just because He’s not doing what we expect Him to do. It’s time to worship and trust our sovereign Shepherd, who sees the big picture and has a plan for it all.

I am also learning that in times like these, it is so important to step outside my feelings and to look around. What I saw when I did this was so incredibly humbling for me. - I saw a husband who fought for me. Who never got tired of my struggles. Ever patient, ever gentle. There are days when I have been too low to pray. He would pray for me. And he is the one who finally found me the right therapist after I had long given up. A therapist that has finally given me the answers and help that I have needed. -I saw my dear friend Erica. My prayer warrior. -I saw my family coming to help me with my kids and the house when simple, daily tasks were difficult for me to accomplish. -I saw my sweet neighbors who have turned into irreplaceable friends. -I saw my church, who I know are there for me the second I ask.

These people. These people have been Christ to me. They have literally carried my burden FOR me. And it is through God’s people that I tangibly see - I AM loved and seen by Him! He has all this time been using His people to extend His love and care for me! To show me that He sees me.

My favorite Christmas song is an old hymn entitled, “I heard the bells on Christmas Day” written by Henry Longfellow. The last verse has often spoken to the deepest parts of my soul - “Then pealed the bells more loud and deep God is not dead, nor does he sleep The wrong will fail, the right prevail With peace on earth, good will to men.”

Amidst the chaos of our suffering, whatever it may be, we know what is true: God is not dead, nor does He sleep. And He will one day make all things right. He has not left us in our suffering, for He has seen and heard it all.

If God had healed me when I asked, I would have missed out on the sweetness that comes from knowing Him in suffering. The suffering that has changed my prayers from “heal me!” To “use me!”. The suffering that has transformed my heart from bitterness to overflowing thankfulness for what He has done for me.

O praise the God who hears us! Praise the God who is near! Our Emmanuel God who has come!


Christina is a friend from church whose story I only knew in part until now. I am so thankful for her courage and honesty in sharing her own suffering and the hope that she has found in the unchanging character of God. To see more of Christina's heart as expressed through her artwork you can find her on instagram at @audra.and.adelaide and her Etsy shop

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